awesome luxurious word for picture, making you seem smart and sophisticated when using it.
those two contrasting picturuettes really stand out amongst the other picturuettes.
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- shit-shooters
a person who mostly engages in casual, meaningless small talk, and little else. fake people “i hate sh-t-shooters, they’re so fake and impersonal” a persons -sshole or -n-s that sh-t comes out of. a fart came out of his f-cking sh-t shooter
- shit witness
to be exposed unknowingly and unwillingly to the act of another individual defecating in a public area. did that man just take a sh-t in someone’s front yard??? if you saw what i just saw, you have just become a fellow sh-t witness! for counseling please contact 1-800-shi-twit or attend your local sh-twit anonymouis meeting.
- fag ass nasty
a dirty h-m-s-xual. somebody that does something or says something f-cking stupid and might as well be gay on top of it. joe is a dirty h-m-, he’s a real f-g -ss nasty
- Fagga
a casual way to refer to one’s gay friends. only exceptable if you yourself happen to be gay. the h-m-s-xual equivilant of n-gg-. h-m-s-xual person 1: well, i have a date with this really hot girl later, so i’d better buy some more condoms. h-m-s-xual person 2: f-gga,please. f-ggas, the descriptive term describing h-m-s-xuals who […]
- failure face
a failure. the extension to “failure face” is rooted in the school of thought that adding “face” to something makes it stronger or more convincing. see p-n-sface & d-ckface. the person who invented this saying is a failure face. one who is either pr-ne to failure, deserves to fail, or who’s peers wish would fail, […]