Piedmont Hills High School
piedmont hills high school is located in san jose, ca on piedmont road. home of the pirates. school colors are maroon and black. our enemy school is independence high. it is hard to get into the school. high test scores and high drama.
the whole school is drama.
the groups include: frshmen- most of them stick in the freshmen area, they are super annoying. football- they hang out in packs and after their seasons over they are losers. nerds- usual stick to the back of the school. philipinos- hang out together in the sophmore area. skaters/ druggies- ususally mob around in groups or at the tables. the perfect people- in the back of the lockers. juniors- in the junior hallway seniors- senior hallway. soccer players- freshmen area. bad-ss/”popular” hip hopish people: by the lunch line.
mezdez and branco are the most irrateding people you will have at this school cause they will get you for anything and they drive in stupid little golf carts.
this school is full of secrets, drama, and bullsh-t.
student: piedmont hills high school sucks.
other student: i know i want to get the h-ll outta here
a high school in san jose with some of the greatest people you can meet…and some of the most annoying. every year the freshman keep getting worse, smart -sses making the rest of us look and feel like idiots…or they think there the sh-t when they’re really wannabes. some of us are actually pretty cool people to be around with it’s a typical high school i dont think its that bad but theres a better school out there somewhere…some teachers are pretty chill and some advisors are horrible and over reactors..some of our new rules are stupid and exaggerated.some people say it’s ghetto but in reality its not that bad take a look at jameslick and independence..there are chemicals in the air of the photo room..we also have a petting zoo with a horse, a duck, and a big bird
jarrele: i want raisins!!
jelissa: i want a baby skin arabi.
alejandra: they don’t sell any here??
erica: of course not this is piedmont hills high school!
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