the best way to get you and your roommates free pita’s for life. go to your favourite pita place and meet the owner. proceed to bang him/her as many times as necessary. receive your free pitas for life. this is generally done by people who like pitas … alloooottttttt
hit pita pit for a 2-in-1. get piece and a pita. you are now a pita-lover.
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- Pltebow Effect
this is faith over reason; more specifically when somebody believes that the broncos can win with their current style of play (a non-existent p-ssing game). people who have fallen under the spell of the “pltebow effect” lack rational thinking and basic reasoning. bronco fan: “did you see tebow p-ss for 72 yards last sunday? he […]
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1.) a s-x toy 2.) a nickname for a person joe is such a pocket -ss a cute little -ss that is small enough to fit in your pocket. yo man, check out that chicks pocket -ss, it sho is fine
- Polcol
slang for police collision. deemed by a group of metropolitan police officers were subject to formal discipline proceedings for using facebook to brag about car crashes. they were members of a group called “look i’ve had a polcol”. man i had a sweet polcol today.
- Shutsy
the term the boys came up with for going to sleep, someone p-ssing out because of being too drunk or in a fight if someone gets knocked out cold. destiny: ” where is conner, i haven’t seen him in forever.” andy: “that dust pile is shutsy, he had one beer.” allison: “wow, its gettin late […]