Planet Dolan
a channel on youtube that does the best countdown videos.
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- Star Trek: The Next Generation
a sh-t version of star wars. “let’s go watch star trek: the next generation!” “useless cretin with bad tastes i am watching star wars.” the bestest show in the world. you are truly deprived if you have not seen or heard of this show. watch it immediately. star trek: the next generation is the life-giver. […]
- Muck Money
the term used by gay men who keep money and or other types of payment under or around the b-lls and or -n-s. “i heard frank keeps some big muck money down there…” #nsfw #gay #money #muck #profit #-n-s #p-n-s #b-lls
- pre-school depression
the day before you go back to school and you feel you have done nothing. i was having a case of pre-school depression on sunday night.
- Trumpling
little kids with absolutely f-cked up hair. they take after their namesake. also used to describe a racist little b-tch. man 1: hey homie, check out dat trumpling over dere! you: i know right, wtf’s up with his hair? he must’ve used a tornado to straighten it!
- Jesus holiday
the practice of a worker taking two days off from work ill before miraculously returning on the third day ie on the third day he rose again jarod was off ill on monday and tuesday, returning wednesday before needing a sick note from the doctor. must of been a jesus holiday