when you take a morning sh-t and the toilet water hits your -sshole.
that plunkett this morning really woke me up
a word that is to be utilized for virtually any situation or context. the word is both a verb, an adjective, noun or pr-noun or any other type of word it needs to be. primarily meant to be pr-nounced with a british accent.
“what do you want me to do with this?”
“just plunkett!”
“have you seen my plunkett?”
a s-xy indvidual, whose name sounds like a rock dropping into a bucket of water, found in ireland, usa, and anywhere else a s-xy tominkle is
omg did you just see plunkett?
in the act of giving -n-l, the person sh-ts all over your c-ck..
i was poundin this chicks -ss, and she totally did a plunkett on me!!
an irish term typically used to describe those who skillfully brew healing potions out of tree roots and snort excessive amounts of pixie dust. it is believed by many that such people are also capable of hypnotism, transfiguration, and dangerously explosive s-x.
d-mn, if i didn’t know better i’d say that chick was a plunkett.
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short for physical laughter was produced. means you actually laughed out loud at something, in an age when lol means “i wryly smiled”. a: b: plwp
- pondery
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- Prickter Scale
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