the act of role-playing with erotic intent, involving any characters or fan-characters from any of the “pokémon” series.
it’s a gardevoir, of course it’ll lead to pokérp.
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- poking squid
slang term for female to give manual pleasure to herself during well-lubricated state. i came home early from work to find my wife poking squid in the kitchen.
- lower case change
a term commonly used when talking about coppers, 1p and 2p coins or similar small value currency. the machine have given me lower case change. or just look at all the lower case change the coffee machine has given me.
- ltnf
lol that’s not funny when someone tries to be edgy or funny and it doesn’t work john; i have cancer lol jk!!!!!! jack; ltnf people die from that, you -sshole
- ltmba
laughing till my b-lls ache. its the masculine version of lol. ltmba the guy on youtube blew his engine on the dyno
- Luality
1.a not manly person 2.a b-tch 3.a p-ssy 4.a chump 5. the opposite of tough 1. stop being a luality. 2. your such a luality 3. your so lualiticious.