it’s a flab pack for a girl. like a beer gut. if the pants are too tight the ponch tends to hang over the rim of the pants. can also be an insult.
“your ponch is sticking out… it’s f-cking disgusting…lose weight..now”
“you stupid ponch. go away”
nickname for highway patrolman frank poncharello in the cl-ssic tv show chips. latin lovemacheen to the ladies. the coolest m-f- ever on television.
hey ponch, gatraer’s really p-ssed off that youve been banging bonnie in the back of her squad car.
a female version of the beer gut, starting really low in the mid-section
i can see her ponch through her pants!
a diffrent word for pouch stated by jake in cartoon network’s adventure time episode 22a “death in bloom”.
so… do you want to hop in my ponch and we can ride down?
used to define a man who possess much swag and/or game. derived from the character of the hit show chips.
“dude, you’re such the ponch!”
a female version of the beer belly, usually very large in the mid-section and you would need a car jack to even lift it up.
fat girls and ponches go hand and hand
ponch is the term used when you eat and poo at the same time. poo + lunch = pounch
i where so stressed and late for work today that i had to take a ponch to make in in for work in time
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