Poopin on kids
a game in call of duty 4/modern warfare 2 involving the destruction of the other team with a m-ssive kdr (kill/death ratio)
itz corey coe, itz vannie, worxisxh-ll, when one of these guys sh-ts on you with any weapon from their -rs-nal it means were p–pin on kids
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when i say whiskey, you say hands. “whiskey!” “hands!” “whiskey!” “hands!” the wasty wasty whiskey hands! the wasty wasty whiskey hands biiitttch! a girl with a loose v-g-n- and she is considered a wh-r-. and she has a loose v-g-n- because she sleeps around a lot, and that’s why she’s considered a wh-r-. she’s slept […]
- Wax Dolls
commonly known as a reference to male genitalia. or, more simply put, b-lls. that guys wax dolls are huge!! commonly known as a reference to male genitalia. or, more simply put, b-lls. that guys wax dolls are huge!!
- wazzick
derived from the french -wazoo” (pillock), this derrogatory term can be losely -ssociated to people who are not very good at stuff, like ugly people. you my friend, are a wazzick. i can’t hear you for you are too ugly and are a wazzick of sorts.
- lend leaser
one who charges friends, family and acquintances for lending of -ssets. often, they will charge more knowing the party being lent -ssets is desperatly in need of them, and has no other option. roosevelt and truman.
- Suck my ball sack
1. meaning to suck or orally have s-x with ones’ sack that holds the male orgy (testis). 2. also used to intimidate somebody like in a video game. 1. after jessica sucked my ball sack, my b-lls became huge after her warm mouth were on them last night. 2. suck my ball sack, f-gget! you […]