poopy pants
a grown man or woman who has soiled themselves, however, are unable to grasp the obvious fact they need their nappie changed.
omg alan is being a total p–py pants today. does he need his nappie changed?
being upset with a bitter look on your face in the same manner as a baby with a full diaper.
sheila looked like mrs. p–py pants when she didn’t get a louis vuitton purse for christmas.
pants that have become p–py
nick p–ped his pants in the barn.
a funny word used in some cartoon which i cant remember.
not so fast, p–pypants!
some one who takes p–ps in their pants without regard for others well being.
i am so glad that i don’t no any mr. p–py pants.
curly brown hair, often short, kinda ugly, loves guys that has braces and notches in his hair. they usually dont have many firends but think eveyone loves them.
jen martin is a p–py pants
synonomous to p-ssy
stop whining ya p–py paints
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