a human pop-tart. dull, tasteless and full of sh-t. frequently used to describe tw-ts like that c-nt darius from fame academy.
shut it bgie, ya poptard!
when a r-t-rded virgin looses her cherry it is called a “pop-tard”
a fanatical lover of pop style music.
“go listen to britney spears you poptard!”
a kinder, gentlier name for r-t-rd
my group is full of poptards
wildly influential pop celebrity with absolutely no intelligence. this is usually from the perspective of the parents of kids who listen to / emulate the tard in question.
i’m so glad that pop-tard paris hilton has dropped off the map. now, if only we could do something about that bieber kid…
1. someone who can’t eat poptarts
2. someone who’s acting like an idiot, but in a funny way.
person 1: this poptart wont fit into my mouth!
person 2: poptard!
person 1:derp a derp!
person 2: poptard!
short form of “p–pentart”, literally a sweet pastry sh-ll covering a thin vein of monkey ca-ca
“stop talking like a p–pentart, bgie!”
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