a mistake you make while on p-rnographic content, usually done by accident.
bro i was browsing p-rnhub, and i made the biggest p-rnstake, i accidentally clicked on two old dudes f-cking.
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- Over Easy Creampie
over easy creampie: a s-xual act performed by cooking an over easy egg and inserting it inside the v-g-n-. afterwards coitus is performed and upon penetration, the yolk is broken and leaks out of the v-g-n-. this s-x act also includes a cl-ssic creampie for the finale. sometimes toast is used to wipe up the […]
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the definition of looming can mean hyper,crunk,adrenaline rush,happy,excited, and amusing the concert last nite night was looming. are you going to the party it’s gonna be looming. everyone at my job is looming today. it is looming at the local mall on a wednesday. when the moment takes you and you feel connected to everything […]
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a mindset which conflates the the two common definitions of nationalism. there are two definitions of nationalim in the oxford english dictionary. on the one hand there is the nasty kind of national exceptionalism prevelant in 1930’s europe. on the other hand there is the more benign kind, a simple desire for your country to […]
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gay s-x or j-zzing “yo steve i’m blowing up the tower” “fluck you lou”
- Gorbeolas
nipples that are so red and splotchy, they look like former russian president mikhail gorachev’s forehead. suzy’s nippies were so red and splotchy. total case of the gorbeolas.