a person who believes they are creating decent p-rnography when in fact it is f-cking r-t-rded. often the letter ‘z’ is subst-tuted for the letter ‘s’ in an attempt to be whimsical.
roxy is such a p-rntard; look what she wrote in her online journal today:
“he enterz her in the back of a dark limozine, pressing his forearmz against the indigo velvet…”
one who is not well-versed in the art of p-rnography.
i didn’t know marilyn monroe was on the first issue of playboy.
you p-rn tard.
p-rnography + r-t-rd
a dude who can’t find a girlfriend because
#1. he spends most of his time watching p-rn.
#2. when he does get out, he rejects women who are better looking than he is because they are not up to his p-rnstar standards.
mike hasn’t been laid in 10 years. he’s such p-rntard.
1- a person, usually a woman, who mistakenly believes that looking or acting sleazy makes her more alluring and/or liberated.
2- a stupid person who believes p-rnographic films mirror reality.
related words:
p-rntarded – adjective, the appearance of being a p-rntard.
1- scarlett johansen used to be hot, but then she became a p-rntard.
2- paris hilton is p-rntarded.
dude #1: those three chicks are totally up for a foursome with me.
dude #2: dude, you’re such a p-rntard.
4- “it’s no wonder all her boyfriends are p-rntarded when she dresses like a p-rntard.”
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