a way to justify not paying somebody for services rendered.
sure, we could pay you, but instead think of how great this will look in your portfolio!
something extremely gay that the british columbia education people tried to make graduates do over a 3 year period.
it has seem to become an insult…just say thing word “portfolio” brings many angry faces, harsh swearing, and the worst human trait…lazyness….
i sometimes tend to think it was created only to prove nowadays youth as useless and subliminally show kids how they fail at life if they do not complete the “aspects”. therefore, there will be more jobs for the generation ahead as we would not be able to get jobs cuz we either didn’t graduate, or just lost motivation due to the feeling of helplessness delivered by this object.
1)oh no, i can’t hang out. i have to work on my portfolio to graduate
2)that is so portfolio
3)go suck a portfolio, i portfoliod your mom last night
4) now cl-ss, you must complete the aspects of the portfolio or else you can’t graduate, and will fail at life.
something extremely gay and pointles that newark high school requires for graduation. our superintendent, mr. sanders makes us do. he makes us do it so the high school looks good.
portfolios blow -ss!
a subst-tue for the word v-g-n- used to keep corporate email clean whilst describing to one’s buddies the s-xual encounter that you had the night before.
steve: i dove into this broads portfolio like the salmon of capistrano flock home.
rob: wow, she sounds like a cl-ssy chick.
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