excessive consumption of marijuana. to swallow smoke. the opposite of pot burp. farting while getting high.
i smoked so much weed last week-end, i had a potfart. my farts smelled like pot. my wife said my farts smelled like ganja.
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to act hyper, out of control, crazy son, why are you acting all shaboogle today? have you been drinking sugar again?
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disgusting. horrible. literally a horse eating another horse’s p–p. i can’t believe you just ate your booger! that is grody to the max! 1.gross; 2. cool,awesome in a strange way. 1.that food looks grody to the max. 2.that guy is so grody to the max.
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sway-dose. noun: props, respect adjective: sweet i give you serious suedois for that comeback. nice flip, that was a suedois jump. from the american “sweetish” to “swedish” to the french word for swedish – suédois.