a teenager male takes v–gr-,so he is ready for s-x.
i took a v–gr- before the party….so i was ready….. and i’ll just say….my primeagra was in full effect!
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- Primer Party
party held in dorm room or apartment downtown early on a friday night, usually around 6:00pm. these were held to “prime” pregameyourself for a night of drinking. it is always easier to get a good buzz on before heading out to the bars, than to spend $4.00 for a bottle of bud when you can […]
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only one of the hottest men to ever grace the movie screen. played by ben barnes in the second chronicles of narnia movie. marries ramandu in one of those narnia books. is extremely attractive and s-xy and hot. like s-x in a movie without a s-x scene. wow! that man is so hot! he must […]
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to cr-p one’s pants at a business meeting and then tell others about it. “i hope i don’t kotz myself at the board meeting today.”
- Kratzer
basically anything g-d-like or just straight up amazing. person 1: so what did you think of call of duty: world at war? person 2: it was good, but not as good as cod4. that game was kratzer!