a girl who jumps around from guy to guy but will not put out and is a tease.
that girl wouldn’t even let me feel her up that stupid proar.
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- Protosynthesis
the process or processies predating other forms of cellular metabolic processes such as photosynthesis. such forms of metabolism are thought to have originated by plant and animal cell inveloping smaller specialized cells that were insoluble to the host cell. photosyntesis is a process originating from early proto-plant cells ingesting cyan-baceria, therefore replacing any protosynthesis the […]
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vomiting into another person’s mouth in an attempt to gain s-xual satisfaction. donkeys are well known to surge while engaging in vicious booty-s-x threesomes. zombies came into existence as a result of surging between nyan cat and boris yeltsin’s carc-ss. adolf hitler started his front on the jewish people in response to witnessing an old […]
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1. a fighter of some kind. 2. a professional boxer. 1. man, blake sure is a pugilist. 2. a conflict between pugilists occurred in the arena parking lot last thursday. a person who fights (usually for prises) with his fists. somewhat like a boxer. “p-ss the purse to the pugilists” -zach de la rocha
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hitting a club on your own after all your mates have gone home…to score. legless & horned up – “pulling a jason on it” involves staggering into a well known meat market at 3 in the morning on your own to try his luck with the ladies.