pretty much the most bad-ss thing in the history of the world
sanjeem is soooooooooo promit
2 more definitions
the act of becoming so intoxicated during prom that you puke everywhere
did you see la’dasha last night? that b-tch promited all over the dance floor
what many people feel like doing around prom season when all anyone can seem to talk about is prom, which includes every detail about your dress, who your date is, and of course letting everyone within 5 feet of you know about all of your group’s drama. well guess what? no one cares.
within 5 minutes of cl-ss donna found the need to tell me all of her prom plans. i learned that her dress is actually pink not fuchsia, joe is getting kicked out of their group because he won’t pay the $75 party bus fee, and pictures are going to be at stacy’s now because she has a spiral staircase with 34 steps and harold doesn’t…now i’m going to go promit all over the next person who mentions prom.
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