to pay for your college tuition through prost-tution.
mary used prost-tuition to pay for this semester. she does not like to fill out lengthy forms for scholarships.
1) noun – money earned stripping, hooking, or otherwise through the s-x trade which is used to pay for college expenses.
2) noun – the act of earning money through the s-x trade in order to pay for college.
lots of usc girls resort to prost-tuition when their clueless parents wake up and refuse to continue paying for that half -ss school.
the act or practice of engaging in s-xual acts in order to pay for college education
to meet her student-loan payments, beth resorted to prost-tuition.
when a stripper ho is doing her dirty dancing “just to pay her way through college”.
a good excuse for any dancer who is too dumb to get a real job or education, and may or may not have a meth/crack/c-ke habit.
man, you ever talk to these hoes at the strip club? seems like everyone is in there for prosti-tuition!
the act of selling one’s body in order to pay for college.
looks like i have two choices, either waitress or prost-tuition, so the argument is health insurance vs. a lot more money.
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