a prude sl-t, who flirts with a lot of guys but won’t go anywhere with them.
an example of a prut is…
a girl is at a party and is flirting with all the guys but not making out with them just hugging them.
or a girl that goes out with alot of guys but doesn’t do anything with the guy besides snuggle and sh-t
french, flemmish, danish and many other european languages for fart
this danish girl my mate married thought she could get away with farting by saying ” no it was a fart, it was a prut”
a prude sl-t.
a girl who hooks up with a lot of guys, but doesn’t have s-x.
-“dude i’m so gonna screw that chick.”
-“nah dude, shes a total prut.”
prude sl-t
girl flirts with guys and is “asking” to get some but denys the guy at last possible second, the girl is then a prut.
when a girl wants to be just like all of the other sl-tty girls, but just can’t commit. this is another way to say that a girl is prude and sl-tty at the same time; i know this sounds impossible but that’s why it is so f-cked up.
dom: dang, lauren just broke up with garrett i think in might go for her
-next day-
dom: hey me and lauren just made out and i h
grabbed her -ss but she said that she won’t let me do anything else to her.
garrett: and that’s why i cut that b-tch out.
dom: h-ll yea i’m done with that prut
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