pshaw is basically a meaning of disbelief.
sammy keyes : grams she shouldn’t be written down as a suspect!
grams : oh pshaw!
sammy keyes : – stares at grams like she’s crazy –
1. a word used to express a feeling of disbelief
2. a word used when you don’t know what else to say
3. an expression showing complete and utter boredom with whomever may be speaking
1. pshaw! you just made that up.
2. pshaw…i’m freakin’ bored..
3. pshaw! just get on with the d-mn story, i ain’t got all day.
a word meant to show disbelief and skepticism towards something someone said.
“i’m straight!”
shows skepticism; synonymous with “psht!”
you? getting laid? pshaw!
expression of humility. similar to “aw, shucks”, “you’re too kind”, etc.
pshaw: i’m not that good at it.
the only word in the english language that can be used under any circ-mstance. its a dismissive response to a question that cannot be answered, a furious response to a statement you do not believe, a way of pretending you understood something you didn’t, a way of shrugging off an insult, and anything/everything else.
conor courtney: bro dude that dude girlfriend bro of god d-mn i would rape that!
macken: pshaw?
mr. kravitz: macken whats the answer to this question?
macken: pshaw…
mr. kravitz: macken this is serious your failing this cl-ss
macken: pshaw!?
macken: hey uhm hi uhm do you want to uhm err go out with me?
girl: well i would and all but i don’t think your my type, i’m going through a bad patch, i’m trying to say single, i just went through a bad break up, i was born a man-
macken: psshhawwwww!!!!!!!!
robber: give me all your money right f—ing now
macken: pshaw pshaw pshaw pshaw psh-awwww!!!!
it’s a sort of way to saw whatever but be more b-tchy
karen: that dress makes your b-tt look big
alison: p’shaw b-tch!
an expression of nonsense, fallacy, also impatience, contempt or disdain toward something.
yes, you’re going to totally pwn that by jumping on a rope…pshaw.
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