the immigrant way of yelling punk -ss. it is essential in leaving the n silent
yelling angrily or full of adrenaline: puck-ssssssssssss…..cr-p b-tch
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super dope chick with stupid soft hands who likes to dye her hair n sh-t rumors of a donkey d-ck in the boxes above, puddin palms link to other words with square brackets. for example, booty
- Queazed
1: throwing up or getting sick. normally after drinking too much. 2: when someone spikes or drugs you without your knowledge of it. normally resulting in a blackout. “how queazed were you yesterday” “i heard you got queazed at the party last night.”
- quinhon
a savage don’t care about anything it’s only one quinhon he a savage gets money and funny nd flee he’s norlmaly cool kaid back but if u fw his money he”ll f-ck you up he is quiet but don’t sleep on him he will cause so much h-ll it’s crazy fr but he break bread […]
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a complete p-ssy he needs a pair of b-lls he’s probably a gay transgender b-tch definition of a rivere if you saw him and looked straight into his eyes he gets very frightened and he would p-ss his pants