Puking Game
1. when whispering (belligerently speaking) sweet nothings (obscene comments) into (at) a girl’s ear (her face), in no way, shape, or form should the mention of “taco” be used in a form to relieve “s-xual tension” in hopes that the girl has mutual feelings and when realizing that the there is not a positive response from the girl, questioning, on a scale of one to ten the odds of you’re “hooking up” is, although humorous, not acceptable.
2. when spitting game crosses the fine line into creepy country.
3. when an over-confident guy, prompted by excessive alcohol consumption, attempts to incoherently “hit on” a girl with hopes of finding himself in a romantic misunderstanding…
while the guy in this equation usually thinks his behavior is both welcome and appreciated, the girl is left appalled. reversing the girl’s opinion of the guy who puked game on her is almost always impossible. in fact, there is only one recorded “opinion reversal” since game has first been puked. the incredible incident happened in the spring of 2007 and dreamworks has purchased the movie rights to the unbelievable story.
“man, did you see mark last night? he was puking game all-over gina.”
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