punch drunk
punch-drunk or punch drunk; a term derived from boxing where a boxer gets h-t by his opponent so many times that his disorientation is described as and similar to being drunk.
i stopped the sparring match when i saw that he was punch-drunk.
acting giggly and r-t-rded as if you were drunk but its really only because your so d-mn tired.
“we were punch drunk from staying up so late”
a term used to describe someone behaving in a bewildered, confused, or dazed manner from having been physically, mentally or emotionally punched.
commonly used phrase for dementia pugilistica – a neurological disorder which may affect boxers and wrestlers who receive multiple dizzying blows to the head.
a phrase sometimes used to explain dazed behavior.
“he lost a fight tonight, his girlfriend broke up with him, and he’s getting evicted tomorrow. he’s punch drunk, give him a break!”
when one has been sleep deprived and acts similar to one who has consumed too much alcohol.
generally leads to saying things one would not say when punchdrunk, strange behavior, and general amus-m-nt by those around the individual.
dude: i was so punchdrunk last night i did a striptease on the table! in front of joey!
other dude: dayum. -laughs hysterically-
1. a person who fakes being drunk.
2. that high school girl who has straight punch and acts drunk because someone told her there was booze in it.
3. gemo
molly gets so punch drunk, it is embar-ssing.
being hit in the head many times gets u f-cked up…will always stay there
tath boxer got so f-cked up now hes punch drunk
waking up in the morning having a sore head a mouth like a badgers hole and having bl–dy knuckles. praying that you fell but having a vague recollection of punching somebody in the face.
f-ck man i was so p-ssed last nite i think i smacked somebody i punch drunk some d-ck.
yesth -ssthole it wasth me.
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