1. a non-existant technical word used when someone is speaking too techniaclly and you wish to throw a word back that throws them or shows them they are talking too technically
2. you wish to fool someone who hasn’t got a clue into thinking that you know your stuff so you throw it into the conversation to see if they act as if they know what you just said
john: the motherboard uses ddr2 ram
baz: what does the quasitrifibrilator do?
john: i’m sure its just a loose lead on the km7-d circuit.
baz: have you checked the quasitrifibrilator?
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- quasiturbine
the quasiturbine (qurbine) is a no crankshaft rotary engine having a 4 faces articulated rotor with a free and accessible centre, rotating without vibration nor dead time, and producing a strong torque at low rpm under a variety of modes and fuels. the quasiturbine is also an optimization theory for extremely compact and efficient engine […]
- Dickolopolis
someone who is such a d-ck that they could fill an entire city with their d-ckishness. brandon, you are a d-ckolopolis.
- Quasi-Wife
a wife who is one in name, but is not there in the physical. she wants the t-tle but not the job. roger has a quasi-wife, rachael wants the t-tle but he is still married to joan even though shes missing in action
another way of sayin a womens privite part. that quataberry taste nasty.
- quatamonsta
someone who steals your quarters without you even knowing… hope is a quatamonsta…a sapsuckin quatamonsta!!!!