queer collector

a collector of fine gays, unlike a hag who is indiscriminate
she’s quite the queer collector. it’s not easy to get into her circle of gays.

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  • Queerd

    h-m-s-xual weirdness. the act of being both gay and weird at the same time. see also: queerdness and / or queerdo. sam: what’s brett’s problem? he’s wearing a dress! john: he’s acting “queerd” thats for sure! sam: why is he wearing that dress? john: i told you… he’s a queerdo! sam: he’s showing a lot […]

  • queer dear

    a nicer sounding way of saying f-g hag she’s always going out to gay strip clubs with w-lly and john, she’s their queer dear. a phrase used when one straight female informs another that a hot guy she just saw is, in fact, gay oh, he’s a queer dear. sorry sweetie.

  • Queerdish

    the act of being “gay” or “strange” used to describe something gay such as a word or someone’s personality or act. i hate the word “bra” it sounds so queerdish. he’s so queerdish!!

  • queerest

    adj. 1.to be the most queer when involving three or more options. billy is queer, jimmy is more queer, dave is the queerest queer to be the most queer out of three or more queer options. jim is more queer than bill, but dave is the queerest

  • queerestioning

    is when someone is questioning whether or not they’re gay; usually quarterbacks on high school football teams. when d-ck slapped johnny’s -ss after an especially awesome touchdown, it totally made johnny start queerestioning.

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