resident advisor, resident -ssistant – in a university residence hall (dorm), an ra is a student leader. they keep order, serve as a resource to residents, organize events, and generally work to maintain a positive living and learning community. some residents do not like ras because they see them only as authority figures who get them in trouble for policy violations.
this weekend my ras are organizing a movie night with the neighboring hall.
quiet! hide the beer, it’s the ras!
a residence advisor, residence -ssistant. someone who is under-paid to put up with the all of the bull sh-t that higher ups in the university won’t. typically they are seen as authority figures -ssigned to different floors of a college dorm or residence hall. they are expected to enforce university policy, provide a safe, community-like atmosphere, and plan corny community building programs that even they resent attending. most notably, they deal with alcohol violations, over flowing toilets at 1 in the morning,and alcohol induced accidents (vomiting, fighting, and what not).
ra#1: is there frat party tonight?
ra#2: i think so…
ra#1: f-ck my life….i hope the boys don’t try to drunkenly sh-t in the urinals again like last weekend.
i could teach a cl-ss on how to sneak in alcohol…but that would be inappropriate ’cause i’m an ra.
ras…we know drama.
1.ra is really but if asked what is ra simply answer ra is ra
2.ra is a language, religion, and way of life. few can speak this language the few that can are known as the masters of ra
ra could be used in many forms ex. happy ra, sad ra, hot girl walking by ra, i love you (no h-m-) ra (which can be used as all hand motions such as point at yourself make a heart shape do a f-g flip{ meaning h-m-} then cut to throat {meaning no h-m-})… however in the end ra is ra
the egyptian sun god, not a band, you dumb-sses.
the forces of ra easily defeated the mustard
a student usually from a prep or private school in england who feels the need to wear rugby shirts teamed with a twin set and pearls, there is a huge amount of them at bristol uni
oh no, look at her she is so ra
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- grumpy ana
an -n-l explosion, usually from a female, done on purpose despite pleas to the contrary. this room reeks, my b-tch girlfriend just dropped a grumpy ana.
- grundel honey
the sweat on your grundel wabt to drink my grundel honey?
- gnarstick
synonym for skateboard i was crushing it through the streets on my gnarstick
- hangy downies
t-st-cl-s in a scr-t-m that hang down super low. sometimes caused by a hot environment. check out my hangy downies. check out how hangy and also how downy they are. they hang, and the direction they hang is down.
- HappyJedi
an absolutely ghey internet player, always sitting in his dark room furiosly hitting keyboard keys. sucks “i’m happyjedi and i’ll own ya! nappero!” yes hj, yeeeees