pure bullsh-t.
fresh out of the bull’s -rs-.
something people cant understand doesnt just happen against blacks from whites
on an exaple earlier people keep using black people as the only people discriminated against…
1) strict definition: an irrational bias towards members of a racial background. the bias can be positive (e.g. one race can prefer the company of its own race or even another) or it can be negative (e.g. one race can hate another). to qualify as racism, the bias must be irrational. that is, it cannot have a factual basis for preference.
2) commonly intended definition(in america): a bias that white people have against blacks.
3) politically motivated definition: a justifiable reason to redistribute resources or opportunities between groups on the basis of race alone.
1) one is not a racist for pointing out that blacks receive lower scores on their acts, sats, gres, lsats and other standardized tests of academic achievement.
2) one is a racist for pointing out #1 -if- there is no reason for pointing it out other than to make black people feel inferior.
3) racism is the reason that a 20 on the act should actually be considered a 25 if the test taker was black.
an excuse given by one ‘race’ of people to abuse another person’s rights. usually created by blind ignorance.
racist:”all black people lie, steal and cheat- its in their genes.”
actual:”all people lie, steal and cheat- its in their genes.”
a term that used to mean prejudice towards one or more races.
in modern use, this word is used by people to explain the behaviour of people of other races, whether race is called into the issue or not.
also: racism can now also include having good race relations. if you try to be friends with someone of a different race, someone will call you a racist.
me: dude i met this black guy when i was…
idiot: racist!
me: how is that racism? i was going to say that i met this black dude when i was going to see my best friend, who’s asian.
idiot: you’re just friends with that asian because you think that makes you a good person for not being racist! you must feel sorry for him, you godd-mn racist!
me: race doesn’t come into it. but people like you force race issues into everything.
discrimination against someone based on their race. it is very commonly thought that racism is only when “white” people discriminate against “black” people. the truth is that anyone of any race can be racist. “white” people are constantly being called racist and can’t seem to do anything involving “black” people with out someone going crook. “black” people are rarely, if ever called racist.
“black” people often acuse “white” people of being racist when things don’t go their way or when they want something.
if you think this definiton has been racist, you are very stupid.
i’d sure like to be a black kid, so then i could pull out the ol’ racism card whenever things don’t go my way.
a term used to cl-ssify the act of hating a particular group of people because of skin color, origin, or religion. you should hate people for who they are, not what they look like or believe in. only ignorant people are racist, and when asked “why?” they tend to studder and generally look stupid.
racist person: “i hate (insert race, group, religion, etc. here)!”
person: “why?”
racist person: “erm…uh…hm…”
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