
when one has an excessive amount of -n-l s-x to the point where they require a diaper afterwards.
i gave her the ole ragbottom.

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  • jaslean

    a wild girl who will turn your world upside down once she comes into your life youll never want her to leave. wow look at that crazy jaslean

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    an inctedible awesome and most amazing man that ever walked the earth and lived in our universe. he is a handful sometimes but is soooo appealing . all the girls will dropped their -sses and jaw only looking at him. he’s cool an artist, a gift from above no one can handle. all the guys […]

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    jelaun is a fine -ss guy that is dark skin and tall. everyone wants to be with him but he only wants one girl. he wants to make her happy as much as he can did you see jelaun at school today he’s so f-cking 😩.

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