rahman jamaal
rahman jamaal is an actor, writer, lyricist and community leader for hip hop congress.
rahman jamaal is the star actor in the film, “the beat” along side emcees coolio, chinoxl & singer-songwriter brian mcknight. rahman jamaal released “jazz-hop revolution” with john lindberg, notable jazz-composer and recording artist. rahman jamaal holds the chair position as west coast regional coordinator for hip hop congress, a national 501c3 non-profit organization specializing in community networking and educational programming. featured in ubo magazine.
rahman jamaal is an actor, writer, lyricist and community leader for hip hop congress. in 2003 he starred in the sundance film festival feature “the beat”, along side emcees coolio, chinoxl & singer-songwriter brian mcknight. rahman jamaal released “jazzhoprevolution” with notable jazz-composer and recording artist john lindberg in 2007. in 2015 rahman jamaal collaborated with brazilian rap artist gabriel risk and new york producer bosch and released “street poetry vol. 1”. rahman jamaal is the founder of rap force academy™ and holds the national executive director for hip hop congress, an international 501c3 non-profit organization specializing in community networking, educational programming and civic engagement.
rahman jamaal is an actor, writer, lyricist and community leader for hip hop congress.
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