
a trashy b-tch that wears camo shirts with galaxy pants. he wears the nastiest pink nikes every single day and his eyebrows look like caterpillars. he needs to get his dyk- lookin’ -ss the f-ck outta here.
ew, why the f-ck is rald here.

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  • aracelly

    these girls are beautiful, sweet, caring, and are 2 thick. like dayummmmm. dat -ss. they have a beautiful smile that can brighten everyone’s day. aracelly’s always have a positive mindset and always go above and beyond with everything they do.she don’t care what people say about her and if u had a chance to date […]

  • arnol

    a bad-ss dj who don’t take no twitter foolery. eats -ss on the regular with a side of toes. don’t f-ck with him because he will declout you. arnol is the best dj you will see in the world, let him eat your -ss.

  • christian cardenas

    n-gg-r christian cardenas is a n-gg-r

  • gfyidgaf

    “good for you i don’t give a f-ck” jeremy: i just took a huge dump! ryan: gfyidgaf (good for you i don’t give a f-ck.

  • o, dank

    what a person says after something dank happens you got some free shavacadoo? o, dank.

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