Rand Paul
son of the popular congressman ron paul, rand is a junior senator from kentucky and is considered to be a part of the tea party movement that his father’s supporters started on dec. 16, 2007. despite having been newly elected, he is already proving himself to be among one of the few principled politicians to enter washington, apart from his father.
paul was sworn in on january 5, 2011 along with his father, marking the first time in congressional history that a child served in the senate while the parent simultaneously served in the house of representatives.
although he describes himself as a “const-tutional conservative” with libertarian leanings, it’s been noted that his positions on the issues are nearly identical to his father’s but merely “packaged” differently.
almost immediately upon entering office, rand paul is already following up on his promises on balancing the budget with a legislative proposal to cut $500 billion from federal spending in one year and voted against the re-authorization of the patriot act, one of only 2 republican senators to do so.
1. a conservative republican with libertarian views, rand paul is running for the u.s. senate in 2010 to replace outgoing ky senator jim bunning. rand is the son of texas congressman ron paul. according to rand himself, he was not named after author ayn rand.
paul helped found the kentucky taxpayers united, an anti-tax group, in 1994. he favors eliminating the federal reserve system, the u.s. dept. of education, the irs, the federal income tax, the fair housing act, the americans with disabilities act and other government programs. paul also opposes abortion under any circ-mstances, even in cases of rape and incest. he has publicly criticized the civil rights act of 1964.
born in pennsylvania, rand paul attended baylor university in waco, tx, and duke university in nc. he works as an ophthalmologist in bowling green, ky.
2. a favorite candidate of the u.s. tea party movement, paul won the republican senate nomination in may 2010, defeating ky sec. of state trey grayson. he has been endorsed by gun owners of america, steve forbes, freedomworks and sarah palin, among others.
3. rand paul has made several explosive remarks on the campaign trail and in his writings. in late may 2010, he called president obama “un-american” for criticizing bp regarding the m-ssive oil spill in the gulf of mexico. he has also explicitly criticized government laws banning discrimination, reversing himself partially when his spoken and written statements were broadcast nationally.
rand paul is the darling of the tea party movement and the bane of moderate republicans.
bp sympathizer and racist running for the u.s. senate in kentucky
rand paul has said he opposes the civil rights act and that obama was being “un-american” for criticizing bp over the disaster they created in the gulf of mexico.
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