one of the four houses in hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry from the harry potter series.
founder: rowena ravenclaw
ghost: gray lady (helena ravenclaw)
traits: wise, smart (sometimes thought to be beauty as well because all of the ravenclaws mentioned were said to be good looking)
colors: book: blue and bronze
movies: blue and silver
house mascot: contrary to popular belief, it is an eagle, not a raven.
motto(s): “wit beyond measure is a man’s greatest treasure”
notable ravenclaws: rowena ravenclaw, helena ravenclaw, luna lovegood, filius flitwick, cho chang, terry boot, rodger davies, michael corner, antony goldstein, xenophileos lovegood
ravenclaw is my favorite house! ravenclaw forever!!!!
if you’re reading the harry potter books, or on a website in the fandom, then ravenclaw is a house in hogwarts.
the attributes of ravenclaw are knowledge and wit. the house colours are blue and bronze. the founder is rowena ravenclaw, and the head of house is flitwick.
however, if you’re a detentionee, it means the s-xiest house. much s-xier than you.
you see those ravenclaws over there? yeah. they’re s-xier than us, aren’t they?
the hogwarts house for smarty-smarts in harry potter.
most people who read harry potter think they belong in ravenclaw. why? well, come on… alot of nerds (such as myself) read harry potter, and nerds are usually, smart, and ravenclaw is for the brainy ones, so… :d
p.s.- if the above made no sense, you belong in hufflepuff. =]
founded by rowena ravenclaw
one of the four ‘houses’ at hogwarts.
usually consists of the smartest students.
their mascot is the raven.
said ravenclaw, “we’ll teach those whose intelligence is surest.”
~taken from the sorting hat’s new song (ootp)
(d&d, fantasy games) to cheat, swindle, or double-cross someone, especially if done by means of magic.
that stupid, half-breed elf b-tch used mage hand to ravenclaw me during a dice game at the smiling dragon inn.
a house from hogwarts. the color is silver and blue.
everyone goes to ravenclaw are:
felix cade
sarah palmer
david dahl
fionna dahl
taylor deep
billy phillips
jade akchurin
rachel flint
momo “mo” susaki
kanoko yuki
erin flynn
jessica layke
michael layke
jane flicker
the cramp one gets in their hand when fingering a girl for a long period of time.
i gave myself a major case of ravenclaw but i love her so it was worth it.
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