when you come back from a vacation and have to face reality.
ted felt realitication for having to go back to work.
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a creature of some sort very hedeous; huge and disgusting physical ugliness,not internal from the least ugly to the most revolting,natures this is the ugliest creature out there…mostly in mountains and caves redo horseshoe bat,sloth and blobfish when ilon and tyler’s volleyball team or kyle’s team initiates “rocket shots” whereby the volleyball travels 80 mph […]
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the seam where the left and right sides of the scr-t-m meet just below the base of the p-n-s. the linga becomes more pr-nouced during cold sensations, such as a cold swimming pool or when you are dead. hey baby, you know you want to lick my linga. dude, did you loose your linga or […]
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