something only rednecks will understand.
you’d better redneckonize who you’re messin with boy!
redneckonize ; red-neck-o-nize : this term started in 2012 when a reality show on tlc became one of the most popular shows of the year. “here comes honey boo-boo” was a spinoff show from the original “toddlers and tiaras.” the child they called “honey boo boo” and her wild family was known for being rednecks and proud even. shopping from dumpsters to find a bargain, getting muddy and living a redneck lifestyle was something this family proudly embraced, which drew viewers in. the term is used often from the child they nicknamed “honey boo boo” when she would replace the word recognize with redneckonize.
the term is also used when a situation or person is not being redneck enough.
i found these shoes at a yard sale, i didnt pay full price for them like they did, they better redeckonize and start shopping like i do!
you can’t go four wheeling in that outfit, you better redneckonize!
used as a statement: honey child, you better redeckonize!
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