religios-xualism is a belief structure that posits that the only correct s-xual behavior is that which has been sanctioned by their particular religious belief. someone who advocates for religios-xualism has the agenda to mess up people’s minds by pushing their unnatural religious dogma on otherwise happy human beings.
a religios-xualist would believe that being gay is a condition that is to be overcome by scriptural reading and mental discipline: someone who believes that being gay is a condition for which there needs to be “a cure”.
the religios-xualist agenda is anti gay behavior, and anti allowing gays to just be themselves. which, when you think about it, is the same thing as being anti-gay, no matter how much the religios-xualist doth protest.
religios-xualism is practiced by devoutly religious people who believe that they know what is best for others regarding their s-xuality.
a religios-xualist, for example would be someone who counsels gay people to suppress their natural s-xuality and “be cured” to conform to a religious perception of what s-xuality is supposed to be.
a religios-xualist will deny that they are “anti-gay” and spin around and insist that gay people may not act upon their natural inclinations, and love, or engage with, people whom they love.
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