Remi Gaillard
rémi gaillard (born 7 february 1975 in montpellier, france) is a french prankster. he gained attention in the french media after performing a well-doc-mented series of pranks, including a famous appearance disguised as a lorient football player in the 2002 coupe de france final match where he took part in the celebrations and even greeted by the then president of france jacques chirac. gaillard has appeared in several sport events, tv game shows and political rallies, normally breaking the security measures easily.
he also has several videos displaying his football skills. in these videos he goes around the city doing tricks and making difficult shots, some just for the comical aspect.
gaillard’s motto is “c’est en faisant n’importe quoi qu’on devient n’importe qui” in translation: “it’s by doing whatever that one becomes whoever.”
remi gaillard is the funniest clown on youtube!
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