Retard Brothers
related brother or brothers speaking in a loud, exaggerated bad pseudo gino language.
the r-t-rd brothers are acting like a couple hyenas.
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- flogg
making a good deal dude, i made a flogg deal! the female equivilant to scr-t-m juice holy sh-t she flogged all over my new jeans!
- floisy
to put ones nose in anothers v-g-n- and to exhale through the nose causing great pleasure to the woman. also can be blown with rhythm to cause different feelings like rhythm in s-x. i gave that b-tch a long lasting floisy, but i had to stop because her p-ssy started smelling like sh-t.
- floobygoop
when someone makes up a joke an unrelated parent or elder may say this as a meek term of stating the weakness of the joke ‘that joke made no sense brian, that was some serious bodacious floobygoop!’
- Floogalhorn
an instrument you stick in your ear and you can hear other people’s thoughts. therapist: here u go stick a floogalhorn in your ear and you will here the thoughts whizzing through your head, stuff yoga floogalhorn is the new thing! patient: what?
- Kassutto
a town in italy i went to k-ssutto for vacation.