means to p-ss on a donkey that is having s-x with a homeless man that looks like elmo on crack… yes a red tramp
i am going to riggaboosh while you sit there with your yo-yo. yeah you think your so good with your yo-yo but i dont give a sh-t about your yo-yo mother f-cker!
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- hell in a bucket
1. describes a condition in which someone is headed for a disastrous or precarious situation that is inevitable or unavoidable. typically preceded by “going to,” as in”going to h-ll in a bucket.” 2. the t-tle of a well-known grateful dead tune. 1. shawn had been getting trashed on purple kush and beer before noon during […]
- helmslay
to decapitate someone how did mary die she got helmslay ed
- hemajang
hawaiian slang word for broken, not working, does not look right. the car involved in the accident was hemajang.
- Henty
something or someone who is simply amazing that you can’t find the words to describe. the description adds to every positive, uplifting word found in the dictionary. the sunset was simply henty amazing tonight!
- Hep G
hep g is a disease caused by getting too close to anyone covered in glitter. it is spread socially. do not hug anyone with hep g, as you will become infected yourself. trey — what’s the matter with your head? they spray painted my head with glitter. shame about the hep g…it was nice knowing […]