one, male or female, who is s-xually aroused by, or would gladly and willingly f-ck a/ be f-cked by a robot.
my friend saw a picture of rule 63 mike schmidt being f-cked by foxy in one of my p-rn folders, now he won’t stop publicly calling me a robos-xual
generally speaking, someone whose primary s-xual orientation is towards robots. they may be human or synthetic persons, and straight, gay, bi, etc is not specified. (unfortunately, this word is often confused “romos-xual,” which is the only word that refers to someone who is both gay and a robot.)
inspired by bender from the tv show futurama
a robos-xual person is likely to have a job that involves computers.
one who engages in s-xual intercourse exclusively with machines.
also: robo-curious – one who suspects machines could be superior to the real thing.
i have a foot locker full of s-x toys and no boyfriend; i am a robos-xual.
the hustler store rewards card is a must for anyone who is robos-xual or robo-curious.
#robot #s-x #toy #vibrator #d-ld-
the h-m-s-xual relationship between a male robot and a male human or a female robot and a female human in the year 3000.
i don’t want people thinking we’re robos-xuals. so if anyone asks, you’re my deb-gg-r.
one who is infatuated with any kind of artificial intelligence. either with other people online gaming or with a game or software itself.
man, playing all that world of warcraft made him a robos-xual.
#robo #s-xual #h-m-s-xual #wow #world of warcraft
one who has full on robot chubby
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