romsey: official epicentre for inbreeding in southern britain.
romsey: old english(saxon), rumsie’ meaning p-ss- head in breed drug user.
location. nr southampton, now a landfill site for low level toxic waste. still inhabited by local mongers / and chav inbreeds.
dialect: monosyllabic grunts, belching, farting.
reason for existing: none.
population: 8,000… all related
drugs: prevalent.
visitor: ‘h-llo are you from around here? where can i find the abbey?
romsey plankton: ‘unghhh urghhhh mmmnpppff (trans: i need drugs).’
visitor: ‘oh i see you are r-t-rded, perhaps your sister/mother/ wife can help?’
romsey sl-t: ‘mmmmnnnngwaaarrrr,,, ugn ugnugn… giro?’
( can you sign my giro?).
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