a game; to kick each other in the b-lls over an object, last one standing wins.
hey pip, i’ll roshambo you for that arrow head
(chinese/j-panese/?) name for rock-paper-scissors
1) to kick or punch to the danglers, usu. proceeded by “swollen grapefruits.”
2) phonetic french for “rock-paper-scissors.” (the 3 friends roshamboed for the bill after wolfing down a humongous lunch at the local diner. the loser promptly paid without protest.
3) a sick game employed to determine possession of a desired object in dispute. the two individuals either punch or kick each other to the clackers until one party either succ-mbs to the pain and just simply
gives up, or falls to the ground. the individual who remains standing emerges victorious and wins the game and possession of the object sought after.
a game (usually to solve a dispute) where two men kick eachother in the b-lls as hard as they can. the first person to give up loses.
“that’s my duck.” “no, i’ts mine” “fine, let’s play ro-sham-bo”
a method of settling disbutes between two parties.
the challenging party has a free kick square on the defending parties b-lls.
the act is then repeated for the other party until one party falls over. the remaining party standing is the victor.
i’ll ro shambo you for it.
the act of two males kicking each other in the b-lls until one of them gives up.
let’s play ro sham bo!
in modern day united states, roshambo or rochambeau is when two or more guys kick, punch, squeeze, or knee each other in the groin to win something (an object, money, bets, etc..) untill one of them gives up or falls down. the last one standing wins. this is a modern american twist on the game.
it is also a very old word of egyptian origin for the child game “paper, sissors, rock”.
in the tv series south park, cartman and his friends play the game “i’ll rochambeau you for it”, by kicking the opponent in the crotch. the first one to fall over loses the game. this of course means the first person to go is usually the winner. this is a way of choosing, and it’s called rochambeau.
“how about we all throw some money into a pile and see who can win it… roshambo style!”
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