Rubber Brother
a black guy who never was really ‘black’ and can’t identify with blacks because he grew up in a white enviroment; usually upper middle cl-ss-liberal. to make up for his loss of ‘blackness’ he seeks non-existent ‘social injustices,’ false racism claims, and becomes a ‘wanna-be’ activist.
some choose to study ‘african american’ studies because they never really lived it and can’t really relate to the black community. most are black professors, politicians and activists who have attended prep schools and ivy league universities and believe in liberal policies that are actually destructive to the black community.
they like to use dr martin luther king’s name, yet work against everything mlk stood for. they side with socialist-marxist-communist policies, the gay and transgendered lifestyles, wealth redistribution, hate crimes, affirmative action, aborting millions of black babies, government dependency, welfare, high taxes, big government and immoral irresponsible behavior being rewarded and placing blame on whites, usually using the weak excuse of ‘oppression.’
they hate capitalism because they believe capitalism is dominated by the evil white man. they believe in everyone being dragged down instead of the individual working hard to raise themselves up to prosperity. they’re are hypocrites, often making their own money off of capitalism, yet they demonize it.
some great examples of ‘rubber brothers’ are barack obama, van jones, marc lamont hill, michael eric dyson, ludacris, cornel west, mark lloyd, eric holder, al sharpton, henry louis gates, eugene robinson.
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