rubbin buttons
a lesbian s-x act where two partners interlock their spread legs and grind their v-g-n-s together to stimulate each other’s cl-toris to -rg-sm.
“you know my lesbian room mates jill and sh-lly?” “yeah.” “they were rubbin b-ttons all night last night. they made so much noise, i couldn’t sleep.”
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- visual fred
a nickname for microsoft’s visual basic .net programming language, given by users of visual basic 6. the name originated from the fact that visual basic .net differs greatly from visual basic 6 and thus should not use the same name. call it visual bob, visual fred… anything but visual basic. it’s just not the same […]
also referred to as the childrens online privacy protection act of 1998. coppa has strict rules about collecting information online from children under the age of 13. it applies to individually identifiable information about a child that is collected online, such as full name, home address, email address, telephone number or any other information that […]
(pr-nounced lol bawned) a way to publicly har-ss someone very very loudly who you have just beat at something that involved intense compet-tion. (note: lol bonned must be yelled at the top of your lungs) halo player 1: i’m gonna own you. halo player 2: no, you’re not. -halo player 2 wins- halo player2: lol […]
- copped out
to avoid fulfilling a responsibility. to renege on an agreement. the term comes from the word “cop,” to steal. it is in general usage, and has been long before any “song” by eminem. i was going to go to the movies with gillian last night, but she copped out on me and made her father […]
1.) an exclamation for lol or rofl used after killing someone in the online gaming world. only the truly 1337 use this exclamation. 2.) the land version of the roflcopter. 1.) “hambergler’s ambush crits soulcorruptr for 2469.” “soulcorruptr dies.” hambergler: lolcar!!!!!111!11!1!eleven 2.) omg looks it’s the lolcar!