rula means a hot older greek woman who loves leopard print and gold jewelry. her driving abilities are highly questionable.
rula looks d-mn hot in her leopard print shirt today.
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rumour spreading shop. rumor spreading shop ( rss) rumour spreading shop. this is a shop of hindus with head office in indian city of nagpur and business franchisees all over the country and all main countries of with commodities like clash of civilization , minority-phobia, business over bugbear of muslim terrorism . this itself […]
- Rumper Bumper
the rear end of a shapely woman. she fell on her rumper b-mper and suffered no damage. having s-x in a casual or non committal way. dude, me and robyn did the rumper b-mper last night!
- rump fucking
when 1 gets f-cked up the -ss (rump) will u rumpf-ck me?
- Khrystyn
the best friend a girl can have. my bestiee,bff, and milf fa sho. “i love my khrystyn”
- Locked out
to become indecisive and socially awkward; panicky. to become “locked out” of one’s head. “i felt bad for jenny the other day. she was locked out (of her car) for two hours.” “sorry i missed the profoundly deep conversation you guys were having. i was locked out (of the house) all night!”