run away
somthing the french do every chance they get
why do french tanks have rear veiw mirrors, so they can see the battlefeild while there running away.
when you do not plan on drinking heavily in a night and then and end up getting stupid drunk.
– “do you want a beer?”
– “ya just one.”
next morning after 24 beers later
-“man, that really escalated fast”
-“ya, we had a bit of a runaway.”
the alternate to suicide. it’s a better option in almost all points considered.
guy 1: my life sucks
guy 2: yeah, so does mine
guy 1: no i mean it really sucks
goth girl: then you should think about suicide, like i have
guy 1: no
guy 2: yeah, shut up b-tch & suck
guy 1: so what should i do?
guy 2: hop on a greyhound, run away
tactic employed by king arthur and his knights of the round table in their quest for the holy grail.
run away! run away!
the thing you do when you want to make hasty getaway from lord pink floyd’s channel. made infamous by “iriish” and “jackontheattack.”
lord_pink_floyd: alright we have 10 votes for white, and 10 for black
(iriish has joined the channel)
iriish: i choose white.
scubasteve23: what the heck, how does he even..
zookeeper87: you got some ‘splaining to do, mr. iriish
iriish: oh no..
iriish: run away!
(iriish has left the channel)
f-g from numerous websites likes it up the wrong un im told.
runaway is a total f-g.
teh l337
runaway is teh l337
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