rupert murdoch
the evil aussie b-st-rd who works for fox and who also cancelled firefly.
curse you rupert murdoch for canceling firefly you betrayed us all
6 more definitions
scheming, conniving monopolist from australia. controls the fox network, news corp, among other things. holds dominion over much of western media.
in other words, he controls a good portion of western civilization. he should be toppled for the sake of western civilization.
its too bad he isn’t the a-team murdoch, or mr. t woulda owned him.
rupert murdoch is evil.
a man deserving of his own private circle of h-ll.
i hate to say it, but i’d be willing to have had the simpsons fail if it meant rupert murdoch failed along with it.
billionare media mogul, owns numerous companys and corporations notibly several television channels such as fox in the usa and sky in the uk also noted for his far right views and his ruthless manipulaition of his media resoarces in attempts to manipulate public veiw to his own far right opnions.
if you look at the companys rupert murdoch runs you’ll find that there all right wing, s-xist and slightly racist
a total pr-ck australo-american lying lump of placental afterbirth who uses his empire to spread his right-wing lies and prejusices to the british and american population and is hence responsible for the ignorance of several generations and so has stunted the evolution of the human race by limiting the number of free-thinking individuals in our world today. therefor i put forward my argument that this c-nt -ss f-ckwit sh-t deserves to have his eyes gauged out, be f-cked in the eyesocket by a 16 inched d-ck african american individual, and should then be forced to eat the solids in vomit, then given a plate of sh-t with a gl-ss of p-ss and sp-nk to wash it down. his tongue should then be gouged for his stupid narrow minded right-wing lies. after this he should be set free to continue his network of bullsh-t so people can laugh at him. he should then have to give a lecture on why all people are equal, and that the extablishment of a welfare state is one of the finest ideas to strike the human race since the invention of the wheel.
hey, did u hear about rupert murdoch, he thinks that the nhs is a waste of money and that different coloured foreigners are are sc-m, other than that hes a sound bloke coz hes a multi-millionare
a “rupert murdoch” is a s-xual act in which the person p-sses on the bodies of murdered children and soldiers, then -j-c-l-t-s on them, thus making the p-ss/s-m-n mix “fair and balanced”.
i heard that you can get a rupert murdoch in bangkok for only 5 dollars.
the “billionare tyrant” media mogul who built a world-wide media empire out of just a few australian newspapers. founder and ceo of newscorp, the parent company of such broadcasting networks as fox and sky. while he has not broken any monopoly laws, he has through skill and cunning managed to byp-ss them to control huge portions of the media in such countries as india and australia. unquestionably right-wing, he has made no secret that his networks are made to “promote his values.” it’s not like it’s a secret, though many would have you believe otherwise.
also of note: he is the arch-nemisis of the pencil-thin moustache wearin’, traitor-banging, moody american media mogul ted turner who owns the city of atlana including the falcons, the braves in addition to such cable networks as cnn, tnt, tbs and tmc among others. he once challanged murdoch to a pay-per-view boxing match which the entire world (myself in particular) would love to see.
i share his birthday too: march 11th.
you started with a mere one dollar and managed to control most of the western world? bravo, jimmy. you’re a regular rupert murdoch.
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