the absolute cutest girl in the world.
daaaaamnnn sadaf u cuuute
persian/arabic meaning mother of pearl or seash-ll.
i found a sadaf in the sea pearls from the sea..nd the ones on the perty necklaces :d
sadaf is the best name ever!
a total sweetheart!!!!!
ur sucha sadaf (cudnt thinka 1)
absolute sweetheart!
cant thinka 1
the direct translation of this word is derived from persian, to mean; mother of pearl. however, over time a language has evolved, so did the term sadaf.
it commonly refers to a girl of astounding beauty, intelligence and moral nature. her smile is amazing, and she is mungo kind. however, these quality are only amplified by a bubbly personality, an ability to make others laugh, smile and an overwhelming love of her close friends and family. this intense love may predispose a sadaf to worry a little too much of the welfare of her loved ones. a sadaf can rest -ssured that everyone is going to be fine.
it it generally accepted that once on meets a sadaf they can relax, as they can be -ssured that they are in the best of company. there is always fun, and good times when a sadaf is present and this makes them dearly sought out by those who enjoy awesomeness.
whoever should be so lucky to manage to win over a sadaf should ensure they treat her with respect, dignity and ensure that there is a mutually understood sense of equality. never undermine her intelligence, because you will get wasted, she is too smart for you.
there is no others in the world like a sadaf, so cherish your sadaf you mungo lucky people.
‘hi my name is john, what’s yours?’
‘my name is sadaf’
‘thank gosh! i was about to leave, but now i know that there is a sadaf here i can relax and listen to you speak awesomeness’
‘oh! thanks!’
‘no, no… i should thank you, i’m talking to the most super intelligent, amazingly gorgeous girl in the world. you sure are hot!’
persian/arabic meaning of pearl or seash-ll.
it commonly refers to a girl of beauty, intelligence, and morals. these qualities are amplified by a bubbly personality, an ability to make others laugh, smile, and an overwhelming love for her close friends and family. never undermine her intelligence because you will get wasted, she is too smart for you.
i found a sadaf in the ocean.
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