it’s a character in the online game tharsis gate that is actually a completely automated set of triggers, otherwise known as scripts, run by start either with one push of a key on the keyboard, or in most cases by a timer set to start the series of commands. these commands can run anywhere from 500 to more than 1000 total in a matter of seconds, preventing normal game play for most other players in the game overall and completely removing areas from game play altogether for those who wish to play there.
said character, salius, has been known to bot (running scripts without being present, using timer) for literally weeks at a time, as is evident by his overall level in comparison with his age. runs elaborate triggers set to beep his laptop loudly whenever a tell is sent to him, or his name is mentioned on gossip, or someone enters a room he is in, mainly wizards, who run the game but are afraid to wipe a high level player, even though the rules dictate he should be wiped.
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
salius arrives
salius leaves north
the shizzz!
often referred to as a legend yet their flaws include loitering in the corridors with really hot girlfriends, and easily getting offended.
also very good at making witty jokes with a clever punch line.
very musically minded and enjoys the odd beat box.
very popular too, and generally awesome!
that joke is worthy of saliu
i met a saliu yesterday, he was awesome!
i wish i was popular like a saliu.
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