when a celebrity has s-xual intercourse with someone younger than his/herself
-did you hear about chaz?
-yeah… she got savilled…
‘now then, now then, now then… wanna come backstage? ill show you all the points of interest…’
(stranger):’shes about to get savilled’
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- Savoury Trouser Trout
used to describe a p-n-s that has already been used in intercourse and then offered for oral s-x “dude, i hit that ch-nk kristal last night and when i was done doing her i offered her my savoury trouser trout as dessert.
- Schmutte
slang; a term synonymous with a the act of “having s-x.” contributed by the last name of sarah schmutte. word could be used by sean connery to describe his s-x life. h-rny people like to schmutte.
- the archer school for girls
hot girls who are all sl-ts because they never see boys at school. marlborough and marymount are ugly sl-ts but archer has all the pretty sk-nks. boy #1: wow, the marymount dance sucked this year, all the girls were ugly. boy #2: you should check out the archer school for girls, they’ll not only let […]
- Schnecklepeg
german meaning: b-tterfly (sh-nek-el-peg) “you know its funny, i mean, when you say b-tterfly, its a pretty word, when you say papillion, its a pretty words, when you say mariposa, its a pretty word, but german… schnecklepeg!!!”
- schniggle
– n. when your ski pants get caught underneeth the safety bar and they become impossible to remove. often occurs from lack of focus or watching other skiers. “how do you get out of a schniggle?” “you wiggle” a special sort of dragon . it is a mammal. it has wings and two feet, making […]