a deprived little man.
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- Shadish
to lose control of every bodily function at the same time kevin: “what the h-ll happened in my bathroom? it smells like a walrus died in there.” adam: “oh ya, well matt just shadished and it got everywhere.”
to take the most harsh, foul, stank dump and know everyone in a 100ft radius is going to hit the wall of smell. jerry went in and dropped a shanker stanker and the smell lingered throughout the office.
- sharp and pearlies
teeth. patterned after “short and curlies” for p-b-s. america is the world’s number one denturocracy, where if you are even halfway serious you’ve got to have two perfect rows of sharp and pearlies.
- sharp Jim?
a hot girl that you point out to your friend i was watching this b rated p-rn once and this guy was banging this girl and looked up at the camera and asked, “sharp jim?” then the cameraman put a thumbs up in front of the camera and shook the camera up and down and […]
bolw job i peeked inside the tent and johnny was shaving wood.